Riding Lessons
Rope This Ranch specializes in teaching riders a foundation for correct horsemanship. We believe that correct horsemanship is much more than sitting pretty in the saddle, it also involves reacting with your horse. Through the development of horsemanship, many other "life-skills" are built: self-confidence, discipline, leadership, just to name a few.
Riding lessons are available to anyone ages 2 & up. Riding lesson participants can either use one of our horses or bring your own.
Frequently asked questions:
1) What is the cost?
Students riding in a small group lesson pay $40 per hour. Private lessons are available at $30 for 30 minutes, or $55 for 60 minutes.
2) Do I need special riding attire?
While cowboy boots or English riding boots are ideal, all that is required is long pants and a good leather (or equivalent) shoe. No sandals, crocs, open-toe'd, or shoes that will easily fall off are allowed. The use of helmets is encouraged but ultimately becomes the choice of the parent or participant.
3) How early should I arrive?
For beginners, saddling is part of the lesson, so no early arrival is needed. Once a rider is able to fully saddle the horse by his or herself, it is suggested to arrive at your lesson 15 minutes in advance to allow time for saddling, so that you are ready to ride at the start of your lesson.
4) How many times a week should I take a lesson?
It is recommended that, at a minimum, you should take one lesson a week. However, if you want to ride more and learn more, 2 or more lessons a week can be scheduled.
5) How can I schedule a lesson?
Simply call us at 765-517-1608, and we can put you on the weekly schedule. You are also welcome to come out to view our facility and meet our horses, just give us a call in advance.
We currently have a waiting list for riding lessons. Please call or text to be placed on our waiting list. We also have a Facebook group for individuals on our waiting list that can be found at: facebook.com/groups/560064102179485